domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

festival of canine and feline adoption

 Bogota will host the first 'Festival of canine and feline Adoption', an event that seeks to continue raising awareness about responsible pet ownership and promote responsible adoption of dogs and cats between the citizenship

This will be the opportunity for hundreds of Colombians who already have a pet at home or want to adopt a dog, they meet in Cordoba Zonal Park, located at 116th Street and Avenida Cordoba, from 9:00 am

The event will include free talks on how to better understand your pet, how to care and how to support a culture of responsible pet ownership in the city that  dictate ethologists and adoption specialists, caring, responsible ownership and breeding dogs

During the festival will be in Adopting dogs rescued from the streets of Bogota and surrounding villages, Vaccinated, neutered, wormed and resocialized. Also it will have vaccination Campaigns, training and more

Studies conducted by the government of Bogotá indicate a dog for every two homes, a population growing at a rate of 10 percent annually. In addition, it is estimated that about ninety thousand dogs roam the streets of Bogota without apparent owner. This is an opportunity to help with this worthy cause.

What is adoption of dogs and cats?

Adoption is the event by which a person, who meets certain time, money and space, choose a pet to make it part of their activities.
Prior to the adoption, people receive information on the requirements to be a good adopter (space, time, resources).

How to select the candidates?

The animals fit for the adoption program are selected from animals caught in different operational canine collection that were not claimed by their owners after 5 days of stay in the center but a friend of Bogotá (SDS Resolution 349 of 2005) , and of the animals delivered by the community that have good sanitary conditions, good temperament, youth and excellent physical condition, ranging in age between 2 months and 2 years, regardless of race.

What is a pet?
Any pet that lives and relates regularly with a group of people for which it was adopted and that depends for its survival, establishing relationships of mutual affection.

Considerations to adopt a pet
Time (teaching, care).
Dedication (teaching, bathrooms, walk, etc).
Expenditure (health, food, worming, house, etc).

What is responsible pet ownership?

The responsible pet ownership (TRM) is defined as the condition under which a person accepts and agrees to take a series of rights, duties and obligations, focused on meeting the physical, psychological and environmental of your pet, so and prevention of risk (potential aggression, disease transmission or liability) that it can generate the community or the environment, under the legal framework of the relevant legislation.

How should you choose a pet?

The pet is a pet that lives with humans, developing a loving relationship and bilateral dependency. Choosing a dog should be carefully done: the right dog for the right family, taking into account size and space requirements of the animal, versus capacity and ability of owner to meet those needs. This can be accomplished by evaluating the dynamics of the family, breed of animal (pure / hybrid - behavioral studies) and taken responsibly, as a conscious act, thought and thought.

Who is a responsible owner?

The proprietor of a pet is one that understands that the possession of the animal generates commitments, costs, liabilities and taste the same

What I can feed my dog?
You must feed pellets preferably with fresh water and always have him.

Where I can vaccinate my dog?
You can do so at any veterinary clinic properly installed. You can check in your area and choose the one that seems most appropriate.

What are the vaccines that have to have my dog?
The recommended vaccination schedule is as follows:
At 2 months: sextuple vaccine, first dose.
At 3 months: sextuple vaccine, second dose.
At 4 months: sextuple vaccine, third dose.
At 5 months: rabies vaccine.

Parasite control
Internal Parasites
Deworming every 3 months for life to control parasites round and flat
External parasites: flea and tick control once a month with one pipette or spray

Other basic care:
Adequate food.
Daily collection of feces. (Prevents infections, bad odors and flies)
Avoid contact with garbage.
Avoid contact with unfamiliar dogs.
Litter (cats).
Birth Control

At what age I can spay my dog?
Today you can sterilize the puppies early from 4 months of age, avoiding jealousy and subsequent complications that entails.

Feeding should be commensurate with its status species. For example dog or cat. Also should correspond to their life stage (puppy, pregnant female, adult or elder). It must deliver food designed especially for them (commercial feed). Never opened bulk bags closed but serious retailers.
Never give bread, chocolates, milk, raw meat or its products.

Benefits of packaged food:
Security no contamination.
Grow properly and healthy.
Live better.

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